Friday, 25 October 2013

How can a catflap turn into a new radiator and towel rail

..if you would like to know - read on....

During my time spent in hospital recently my DH decided to do the odd job stacked up and waiting.  A bit like UFO's really but on a larger scale.
The chosen project was to remove the cat flap from the conservatory door and replace it with the original panel.  (By the way we no longer have a cat so no cruelty involved).  Having completed this successfully DS suggested he could cut the grass to help. Great until they went to plug in the lawnmower.  No catflap, therefore no access to the conservatory for a plug.
No problem says DH - I'll put a wall plug outside.  Been meaning to do that for ages.
External wall plug purchased and fitted to wall.  Next question - Where do I take the supply from?  Ah, there is a supply runs along the breakfast room wall.  Move all the kitchen dresser, table and chairs and chisell out a long run of about 6 feet to accommodate wire.  Plaster up wall. Line of new plaster about four feet up the wall.
Dad says DS you can't leave it like that Mum will go spare when she sees it!  UMM that is true.  I'll paint the kitchen whilst everything is in a mess.
Colour before redecoration
'Phone call - They need my bed says I can you fetch me now please?
So I arrived home feeling groggy to see this MESS.  I used all the strength I had to ask what was going on and then went to bed.
New radiator, towel rail and colour.
xt morning DH took me to the local DIY shop and we bought paint.  Now all the wall looks like just dried plaster, which should have been cream.  "It's no good doing the rest of the place until you have put a new radiator in.  That one we have doesn't warm the kitchen. (We have tested it for 19 years now so are very sure).  Good Idea says DH.  A radiator 3 times the size of the original arrives.  "It seems a shame to cover the top of that up with towels etc., but never mind" says I.  Next day a towel rail arrives and is duly fitted above new radiator, the wall is decorated and the remainder of the kitchen awaits further attention.  And that my friends is how a catflap turns into a new radiator and towel rail.!!! Easy isn't it?


  1. Amazing how one thing leads to another! Glad to see you are feeling better!

  2. So glad to hear you're on the mend! Those simple little projects often take on a life of their own. Love the towel rack.

  3. Welcome back to the blog. scene. When I have to undergo some kind of horrid med. tests, I often find that if I think about designing a new quilt in my gets my mind off of the test:) Great that your felling better.
